Privacy Policy

Signature World and its subsidiaries and associated companies consider the confidentiality of your information and your privacy to be important. We are therefore disclosing our privacy practices for your review. These practices may change over time, and you are therefore advised to review this privacy statement periodically if you are a frequent user of the Signature World sites.

Our goal is to become your preferred source of corporate, property and related solutions in the Asia-Pacific region. To achieve this goal, we may collect some information so as to understand better your needs and to tailor a solution for them.

At present, we collect anonymous data and some personally identifiable data.

Anonymous data is data that cannot be traced back to specific users. This information is useful because it helps us to improve the user experience of our sites. Signature World collects the visitor’s IP address, as well as aggregated traffic statistics. We do not deploy cookies on any visitor’s machines, and do not accept third-party advertising that deploys cookies.

Personally identifiable data is data that tells us who you are – for example, your name or email address. We do not collect any personally identifiable data of yours unless you volunteer such information to us (for example, if you send us your name and contact details in an email). If you contact us, we may keep a record of that correspondence. We only collect email addresses so that we may respond to our users, and do not aggregate email addresses of those who communicate with us by email for commercial use or otherwise. All personally identifiable data collected is for the sole and exclusive use of Signature World, including Signature World’s subsidiaries and associated companies. By providing Signature World or its subsidiary or associated company with your personally identifiable information, you authorize Signature World or its subsidiary or associated company to internally share that information with other companies in the Signature World group. We do not make any personally identifiable information available to third-parties without your prior express consent.

Signature World will take every precaution to ensure the confidentiality and security of all personally identifiable user information volunteered to us.

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Signature World is a pending trademark of Signature World Pte Ltd.

Privacy Policy | Terms of Use | (+65) 6827 9618